
Brandscore seminar highligjhts Indian opportunities

UK fans select Europe's best football stadiums

Brand Beckham still needs "Spice" for US market

Asia Pacific fastest growth in entertainment/media

FIFA seeks profiles of athletes' testosterone levels

How the English Premiership is the world's richest

FIFA counts: Asia leads confederations in players

Research into brands, sponsors in English football

How stadium design affects football results

Women's football is "best way is to lose weight"

European clubs still most wealthy and target Asia

Academic model predicts football TV audiences

Sponsorship tracking service for Asia football

Why US investors are buying into European football

New stadiums upset US NFL competitive balance

Football highlights sponsorship Dos and Don'ts

Owning own grounds 'advantages' English clubs

Global Top 20 clubs's revenue now over €3.3 billion

2006 FIFA World Cup broke broadcasting records

Australia takes a scientific look at youth programs