The Asian Football Confederation has launched a monthly Sports Writers Contest which will feature Malaysian sports writing in relation to the forthcoming continental Asian Cup. AFC General Secretary Dato Paul Mony Samuel joined with Football Association of Malaysia General secretary Dato Seri Dr Ibrahim Saad and Sports Writers Association of Malaysia Vice President, Ibrahim Bakar Atan at the FAM offices to announce the competition. Both AFC and the FAM have their headquarters in Malaysia's capital city, Kuala Lumpur.
“This is the time to develop closer ties between media and the AFC Asian Cup 2007 which will be held in Malaysia for the first time, Dato Paul said. “Malaysia will host the tough-looking Group C which includes China, Iran and Uzbekistan who are big Asian teams. That is why it is not only a tournament for Malaysian football, it is about the whole of Asia,” he added.
There was no reported mention of similar competitions in the three other 2007 Asian Cup host nations, Vietnam, Thailand and Indonesia.
“This is the time to develop closer ties between media and the AFC Asian Cup 2007 which will be held in Malaysia for the first time, Dato Paul said. “Malaysia will host the tough-looking Group C which includes China, Iran and Uzbekistan who are big Asian teams. That is why it is not only a tournament for Malaysian football, it is about the whole of Asia,” he added.
There was no reported mention of similar competitions in the three other 2007 Asian Cup host nations, Vietnam, Thailand and Indonesia.