Indian electronic game development company Paradox has announced an alliance with Indian football star Baichung Bhutia and his agent, Total Sports and Entertainment India, and has signed a two-year exclusive worldwide contract to create mobile game titles based on the popular football celebrity. Winner of the Arjuna award, Bhutia is the only Indian footballer to have played professional club football in England (Bury) besides a short stint with Malaysia’s Perek and MK Land. Currently playing for the renowned East Bengal Club, the striker has scored over 200 goals in his professional career.
Targeting the increasing appeal of football in India, Paradox will develop a mobile game with "an exciting mix of strategy, skill and speed" and will "even feature some of Bhutia’s signature moves" well known to football fans.
“Baichung Bhutia is perhaps the only player in Indian football history to gain such a star status," Salil Bhargava, CEO of Paradox said. "He is one of the most prominent sporting icons in India and we look forward to a dynamic association with him and TSEIPL. With India on its way to becoming a hotbed for the wireless platform, sports-based mobile games are particularly gaining a huge popularity with the audiences. Paradox, as an organisation, is committed to offer top-notch content to them.”
Targeting the increasing appeal of football in India, Paradox will develop a mobile game with "an exciting mix of strategy, skill and speed" and will "even feature some of Bhutia’s signature moves" well known to football fans.
“Baichung Bhutia is perhaps the only player in Indian football history to gain such a star status," Salil Bhargava, CEO of Paradox said. "He is one of the most prominent sporting icons in India and we look forward to a dynamic association with him and TSEIPL. With India on its way to becoming a hotbed for the wireless platform, sports-based mobile games are particularly gaining a huge popularity with the audiences. Paradox, as an organisation, is committed to offer top-notch content to them.”
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