The All India Football Federation is expecting to receive US$ 400,000 from the world football body, FIFA, to assist in setting up regional training centres in four different parts of India. "The centres will be used to train promising youngsters in the finer points of the game as well as referees and coaches to ensure that the standard of football improves in the country," an AIFF spokesperson told the Press Trust of India.
The AIFF is presently identifying the locations for the centres and the federation has written to its state associations to guage their interest. Once the AIFF makes its recomendations, in September, FIFA Development Officers will visit to assess the suitability of the venues. A final decision by FIFA will probably follow in October or November. "The locations should have a proper stadium and other infrastructure which could be augmented to world class status with the help of the FIFA grant," the spokesperson said.
The AIFF is presently identifying the locations for the centres and the federation has written to its state associations to guage their interest. Once the AIFF makes its recomendations, in September, FIFA Development Officers will visit to assess the suitability of the venues. A final decision by FIFA will probably follow in October or November. "The locations should have a proper stadium and other infrastructure which could be augmented to world class status with the help of the FIFA grant," the spokesperson said.