Samsung has unveiled the SGH-P900, Europe’s first T-DMB (Terrestrial Digital Media Broadcasting) phone, to lead mobile broadcasting service through the 2006 FIFA World Cup. The product combines many multimedia features such as TV & radio capabilities, a 2 megapixel camera and a MP3 player.
The SGH-P900 is successfully in operation as part of ongoing field trials in Germany and France. Samsung plans to launch the SGH-P900 in the second quarter of 2006 before the World Cup gets underway in Germany, becoming the first handset manufacturer to handle the European T-DMB standard.
The SGH-P900 is successfully in operation as part of ongoing field trials in Germany and France. Samsung plans to launch the SGH-P900 in the second quarter of 2006 before the World Cup gets underway in Germany, becoming the first handset manufacturer to handle the European T-DMB standard.